Saturday, May 20, 2017

My Saturday stitching project

Well now that all the chores are done, and I made time with the kids, I am going to sit and stitch for a bit. I will also be watching Shameless On Netflix.  Very addicting show!!

I am also wondering if anyone has played this game?  I am not sure about it.  I would rather be stitching than playing this game.  

Another great site for new stitchers

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Some amazing websites and blogs that are worth mentioning.

So while I was waiting for my migraine to ease off, I decided to surf around since I don't have the concentration to stitch.  I love searching for free patterns and look at new charts.

free cross stitch patterns

This next blog is pretty awesome.  I went there to find this free pattern that I hear about and found so much more.  I have made this pattern one of my maynia starts.  The quote is very special to me as I have dealt with depression and anxiety.  In my darkest moments I have had a few thoughts about it but I could not ever do it to my family.  It would have hurt my family deeply.  The below link belongs to a blog called stitching the night away.  The creator of the blog encourages everyone to share the link and post the finished product.  It is a great way to raise awareness to a serious issue.

I hope that you all are having a great nite, happy stitching everyone :)😄😄

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

A quick update

I hope that everyone is doing well. I am just getting over a bad cold and have not done a flosstube for 2 weeks. I had great plans to show my manyia plans but just did not have the energy to talk. Lol. I have managed to start the projects that I picked out. I will update and show pics in my next post.  I have been having a lot of fun doing them. I decided to just work on each project for one day and then put them in rotation. 

Work is going good and the weather is getting nice. School is almost done so I am not sure how much stitching that I will be able to get donethis summer but hoping I can still get some stitching in. I loved going to our camp in the woods. It is so quiet and perfect to stitch although in early July sitting outside is not recommended due to the damn black flies. Lol 

Till next time......

Monday, May 1, 2017

Maynia plans

Well here it is my plans for Maynia 2017.  The first time that I have chosen to participate and I am super excited.  Sadly I am not feeling great enough to stitch but hoping I will feel better tomorrow.

I will go more into detail soon but here is a peek of my plans :)

New Floss tube video is up :)

Flosstube time :)